Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Giving in a Way I Never Thought Of

Sometimes you just need a break from saving the world.  Courage to Lead provides this break and more.  Last week, I had the good fortune to talk with Ken Saxon about the organization he founded.  I left with a completely new thought on a simple, yet impactful, way I could help give back.

Non-profit executive directors consistently manage where there is unlimited need and demand for their services.  They have limited supply so this need will never be met.  This leads to feelings of constantly letting people down and always having a sense of not doing enough.  This is not a sustainable model in which someone can maintain their passion.  The Courage to Lead program allows non-profit directors to invest in themselves so they are more capable of putting their mission out in the world and so they stay passionate about driving their organization to better success without getting burnt out.


There is so much negative press about non-profits and overhead.  We can't continue to invest in program after program without an investment in the sustainability of the people and organization administrating these programs.  Any successful businessman knows this is vital need in a traditional business.  Non-profits aren't any different so we shouldn't be so quick to judge a non-profit for it's overhead, we shouldn't be afraid to invest in overhead, and we shouldn't be afraid to ask for more information from the organization about their overhead.


This is an idea that is so simple, but yet so powerful.  Take time to acknowledge the people who day in and day out are dedicating themselves to your favorite cause.   Some very simple ways to do this are:
  • simply write them a note of appreciation
  • bake them cookies
  • pick flowers from your garden
  • get them a gift certificate for something that will make them feel nurtured like a manicure, massage, facial etc.
Imagine the unexpected impact you will make on this person's day and their ability to stay motivated to keep fighting for your cause because they know they are appreciated.


DRI youth is currently doing an Flower Power Fundraiser where you can pay to have a series of four bouquets sent to the people of your choice.  I participated in this fundraiser and plan to send the flowers to the executive directors of my favorite non-profits.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting ideas Carrie. Non-profit executive directors are not usually in their positions because they were seeking highly lucrative career paths. I think your suggestion to find unique ways to say thanks or acknowledge their service is a great one.
