Thursday, January 20, 2011

Education Reform/Rhee's Blueprint Pulished

 Admittedly, I haven't gotten a chance to go through this list yet, but plan to.

Obama aims to revise No Child Left Behind - Washington Post 
From Obama, himself, this week.


  1. Hi Carrie. I'm a big fan of Michelle Rhee. She is forcing the teacher's unions to address the question of whether their policies and contracts are in the best interest of the students whom they teach. There are of course thousands of wonderful, talented, dedicated teachers, but unfortunately, the unions are protecting those who do a disservice to their profession. The following article is an excellent example of what needs to change:

    Julie Farrell

  2. Here's one more for you from Education Week. It discusses what's going on at the political level with regard to education related legislation - particularly with regard to the unions.
