Monday, November 17, 2014

Meeting My Hero - Nicholas Kristof

"There are no silver bullets when it comes to global poverty so every drop in the bucket counts.  Drops are how we fill buckets."   That was the message of Nicholas Kristof Thursday night when he spoke first to a smaller group at DirectReleif and then a larger group at UCSB.

I've made no secret of the fact that Nick K. is my hero.  When asked if you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?  I say Nicholas Kristof.  Last week, that wish came true.  It was a brief meeting as he signed a few books for me (I was first in line) and got a nice photo taken (I plan to frame it) but,  Nick did not let me down. 

He was personable, humble and, in my opinion, the most knowledge human on the planet on global poverty.  I was like a groupie hanging on his every word.  Its hard to feel hopeful when so many people are starving, dying of ebola, living with fistula, or don't have access to education.  Its hard to feel hopeful when you hear stories of NGO's doing more harm than good (which he addressed as not something he agrees with).  But, hopeful was what Nick was all about.

He said several times "This is the generation that is going to end global poverty."  He pointed out that as philanthropists we try too much for the high hanging fruit when there is so much low hanging fruit that can make a significant impact.  For example, it's $300 to build a school, $100 for uniforms, but only $3.20 to de-worm a kid and worms are a significant road block in children attending school.  How many times have you heard about building schools?  A lot!  How many times have you been asked to donate $3.20 to help de-worm a kid?  Never!  He talked about an eye condition where people live everyday in the pain equivalent to child birth, but yet the fix for this condition is $40, and a 2 hour surgery a nurse can do!

Nick's newest book, "A Path Appears," points us to much of this low hanging fruit that is often over looked, but yet is critical in creating opportunity.  The Everyday message Nick gave was  "Just because you can't help every kid doesn't mean you shouldn't help one kid." 


Every drop helps and we are all capable of adding a drop to the bucket and we can't forget to tell our brains that or science tells us we won't keep giving, won't keep helping.

What will your next drop be?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Do Not Read This!

Its been a long time since I have posted.  Lots of ideas have crossed
my mind. I was tempted to post pictures of my kids doing the ice bucket
challenge. I think we all cracked up over at least one video.  That
viral campaign involving thousands of everyday people fascinated me! 
But, I missed hitting that before the numerous articles about it's
success went out because life and work have kept me busy.

However, here is something that came across my inbox today, that I cannot help
but share.  The video is produced by Room to Read.  I first learned
about Room to Read seven years ago (pre Four Cups of Tea) when my friend
Mike Walker did a 150 mile race across China's Gobi Desert to raise money for
them.  While carrying all of your supplies on your back while racing 150
miles across harsh landscape is not everyday, it is an example of what
an everyday friend can accomplish when they set their mind to it.

Not only did he raise over $100,000 for Room to Read, but a community of
people in Santa Barbara now know about them.  Because of Mike, seven
years later, I am moved by this campaign to raise awareness for their
mission and helping them by sharing it with all of you. 

A pretty simple everyday thing you can do is just share this video - DO NOT READ THIS!